Sunday, June 2, 2019

Amazing Compliment


Today in church, an older man (I think that means he is older than I am old.) tapped me on the shoulder and said, “You have beautiful hair. I have been sitting here looking at it and I enjoyed that so much.”

I was totally unaware that such a thing could be. I told him, “It comes from God and the humidity.”

Now I suspect I should have added that a good cut helps too. I too have thought my hair looked especially nice, as it seems that the humidity was doing a good job getting the curls right.

I was personally expecting a compliment on the dress that I was wearing, because I thought it looked rather nice, but no one said a word about it. Just shows that I do not have a clue what is going on in the mind of anyone.

Could hair get better with age? I do not feel the same about my face. In fact, when a friend commented that she did not like doing phone calls that involved video because she noticed a fresh crop of wrinkles, I laughed. I have noticed the name things, but never told anyone. Perhaps it is holding the phone so close to the face, causing too much of a glimpse of the landscape. Because of family we still do these video calls, but I try not to look at me so much and look at the other person more.


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