Saturday, June 29, 2019

Garage Sale Over


Only two people stopped by the sale, so not much was sold. Most of it was not that big of a deal. It was hot almost immediately and even though we were in beautiful shade we did notice it. As Leroy says, “At least we have some things taken out of our house.” We promptly took them to the second hand store. Surely we feel lighter now. Leroy is going to advertize some of his bike things on the Internet and try that method of elimination. For instance, it would seem that no one knows what a bike truing stand is. Otherwise we did not have so many things listed to attract shoppers.

While Leroy minded the store I walked around the block this way and that seeking shade. The large old trees in the neighborhood do a good job of creating shelter. While I minded the store Leroy did a bit of walking as well.

We are going to take one more walk tonight to pick mulberries and black raspberries. That should get my steps up to 10,000. Hopefully it will be a little cooler, below 90, after we eat our evening meal. The humidity is quite high as well so it is a bit uncomfortable.

Leroy is excited because he was able to buy two stamp albums from the local stamp club. I suspect when that Leroy guy has more time on his agenda, stamps will consume a part of it. I keep wondering what will happen to these stamps when he can no longer take care of them. I know I do not want to take it on. But I guess it is a great hobby for the time being. There are certainly many other things he could be interested in that would make less sense to me.


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