Wednesday, June 19, 2019

More Fruit


I picked strawberries again Tuesday morning. We got enough that we can put as many as we want on our oatmeal or yogurt. This afternoon I picked more mulberries. Those have joined the others in the freezer. Leroy helped someone weed and harvested, cleaned, cut, and froze some rhubarb. That will be a quick treat when Sarah’s family comes at the end of July. At least she used to like the combination of the two fruits. We like the sweet/tart combination.

After work, I will pick strawberries tomorrow and Saturday. It is so nice to have this bonus from the earth.

One thing I regret is that I am getting on the bike not at all after the first time this spring. The time to do that keeps going to some other project.

In spite of the clouds and prediction of rain Leroy rode his bike this morning. It was an ok ride and it now appears the ride home will be just fine as well.

Just what takes up so much of my time, I am not sure, but I seem to have declared a moratorium on cleaning. It only gets done when the dirt gets deep. Because I do not tolerate clutter things stay neat.

One thing about all the fresh veggies and fruit, prep time increased. Just pouring something out of a container is definitely quicker, but I still value fresh from the ground.


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