Sunday, June 30, 2019

Picking Black Raspberries


Today in spite of the temps up in the 90’s, Leroy and I bundled up against the thorns to pick black raspberries at a county park. I just wore shorts and a tank top, carting the long sleeved shirt and long pants to pull over the other clothes when at the park. That meant I could easily strip when done picking. My pants bottoms were tucked in the crew socks borrowed from Leroy. The purpose of that move is to keep out ticks or other insect passengers.

Even though many of the berry bushes were in the shade there was often little breeze, so the heat was still intense. The patch has changed and sadly diminished from a year ago. We spend much time looking for more bushes that had ripe berries. There were many immature canes. The blackberry canes were very thick, but not yet with rip berries. Their thorns are even more threatening.

By the time we were done, we had what I thought was two pints, but Leroy declared it closer to two quarts when we got done cleaning them. I had some on yoghurt with granola and cinnamon. Oops I poured on more than I meant to, but ate them with enjoyment.

We were grateful to get to the car and take off shoes, shirts and for me, those long pants. We were grateful the car air conditioner works well. We were grateful to get home, check each other for ticks and take a shower. What luxury we live with! I promptly put all of the clothes in the wash as they were a little dirty, but this would also kill any random ticks or poison ivy toxins. I am grateful for a washer in our apartment. Neither of us is bothered by poison ivy, but we are trying to be pro active.


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