Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Picking More Raspberries


This morning I went out fairly early to pick raspberries and mulberries that grow along the bike trail. Excitement reigned as I found many more black raspberries than I expected. I even refrained from eating because I wanted to show off for Leroy the amount that I was able to get in my bucket. It is probably a quart or more. The mulberries were not as plentiful or my enthusiasm waned because I did not get so many of them, perhaps just a pint or a bit more.

As I was picking, a young dog walking woman stopped to ask, “What are you picking?”

She was so pleased and bubbly when I showed her the mulberries and raspberries. She had not known about black raspberries at all. Even though she knew the words mulberry tree, she did not know what a mulberry tree was. She said, “I have a five year old daughter. I will bring her here to pick some of these. She will like that.”

She wondered where I lived. When I told her she exclaimed, “So far!”

Amazing, I think it is close, although I now have over 4000 steps. The mulberries are almost finished for the year. Some of the more shaded raspberries will produce for a little while longer.

Leroy is going to work Friday and Saturday so I will probably come back by myself. It is nice to have a helper, but I can still manage to have a good time enjoying nature including birds. Leroy and I must walk a little out of the normal path of life in the United States because we are often doing things that others do not do and some do not even know about the possibility.


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