Monday, July 8, 2019

Leroy Home


Leroy is home today because he put in so many hours at the museum last week. His back or leg does not feel so good, consequently he will go to the chiropractor later, but this morning he helped me deliver the last of the newsletters. It was great to be out in the cool morning air. I enjoy looking at the flowers in the neighborhood.

Most of the lawns in the area are not as pristine as is true of many other places in the USA. I like this however, because I assume they have not had fertilizer or weed killer added. The monarch butterflies were out this morning and yesterday as well. More and more people are randomly growing milkweed. Yeah for weeds!

Yesterday, as I came home from church, I happened to see a woman out on her porch. I complimented her on her flowers, most of which were in pots. She beamed as she said, “My husband likes flowers.” Then she proceeded to talk about quite a few of the plants.

In the afternoon, Leroy and I picked the black raspberries along the bike trail. Since the amount was so small, we will not go again this year. On the way home we visited with someone who has done a great job of adding some flowers to their landscape. She also beamed when I complimented her on it.

Sometimes I wonder why I feel that God has wanted us in this neighborhood when I do not see what I am supposed to do. Perhaps it is greeting people and giving compliments about the efforts they make. It does not seem like much, but I do not know the ramifications of such.


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