Sunday, July 21, 2019

Old Garden Bag


Leroy and I went to the community garden. This year we have not been very active in working there so I have not felt as comfortable harvesting. However at the last neighborhood meeting it was announced that green beans were ready. Often people do not come at the right time so we went. In just four plants we had picked enough for a nice meal tonight. We also picked a turnip that was almost totally above ground. It needed rescuing, right? The kohlrabi was in the same rescuable state. They are home now waiting for some more attention.

I have an old backpack that I use when going to the garden. It did belong to son Brian a long time ago. I can’t remember if he threw it in the garbage the year he graduated from high school or college, but I think that was the first. I thought it was in much too good a shape to toss so I pulled it out of the refuse pile. At some point I even sent it in to the company to fix since they have a lifetime guarantee. They replaced one of the zippers. It went to Slovakia with me where I used it almost daily. I have used it almost always when I could walk to a store. Since we have lived in this place I have acquired a new bag, but still kept the old. It goes to the garden with me. I keep it loaded with a paring knife, various sized bags, and a pair of garden gloves. The zipper still works, the leather bottom is still strong, however; it looks tired. Glad I rescued this bag for a longer life of usefulness. That is a great recycle story. Now if I could manage to do that with a few other things in my life, the world would be a different place.


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