Monday, May 13, 2019

Check List


I like to make “to do” lists and check off the tasks. It gives me a real sense of accomplishment. Today I only had two things on the list, but I got many other things done as well. Perhaps I should add them to the list just so I could check them off.

One task was to take out the plants that will live outside for the summer. The six poinsettias and the fern dripped leaves all the way to the end spot. That means that leaves must be picked up before they are stepped on and crushed into the carpet. Yes I got that done as well. I did not tell my plants that they are not coming back in until the fall because I did not want to scare them. I had that thought the last time I took them out but ended up bringing them back in while we were gone. Since we came home it has not been warm enough until today to take them back out. The prediction is that it is not to get back down into the 30’s this week, so I am hoping for the best.

It is too bad that neither Leroy nor I like to call companies and negotiate with them. Our bill for internet service is almost going to double. That seems like much too much of a raise. Another company is having a special, but we have been unable to learn if our modem will work with them and what the installation rate is. It is too bad that our youngest daughter does not live closer because we would have her deal with all of this. She seems to have a knack for that type of thing. Usually I can talk Leroy into doing these tasks, but he does not like to call more than once, unfortunately his one call did not result in a positive outcome.


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