Saturday, May 25, 2019

Memorial Weekend


Leroy and I had no particular plans so I asked, “Could you help me deliver the last books to the Little Free Libraries?”

Leroy, who hates to say no to me, said, “Yes.”

We loaded up our backpacks and set off. Again we each carried quite a bit of weight. The books are all paperbacks, but there were 42 of them. I was quite disappointed to find the first library was full so we had to walk on by. Later we found some that could accept a few books. It was only later that we found one that we could add a number of books.

Before we had turned around to head back, my boss called asking, “Who is to be working this morning? I had a call from a patron who reported that the library is closed.”

I did not know the answer, but I certainly hoped that it was not me. After that I hustled along with Leroy as we delivered all but one book which we will take care of later. We were walking so fast that both of us raised our heart rate, sweat a bit, and panted.

I have not put so much effort into walking for a long time. I was even becoming smelly. Guess I should do that more often to keep everything working at the highest function.

At home I was able to look at the schedule. I texted my boss to tell her I would call the person when she texted back and informed me that the other person had finally come to work. All in all I am just so happy that it was not me who had forgotten to go to work.


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