Saturday, November 7, 2015

Church Brunch


Today was the brunch for women in our church. I set off with my fruit salad in my backpack along with a change of shoes. As I was crossing the parking lot that many people use I was surprised to see it virtually empty. I started thinking, is it the right day, the right time? There were a few traffic cones stacked close to the crosswalk. Next to those cones was a red car. A tripod was on the other side of the car which had the hatch door lifted. A man was close to the tripod which was aimed at the new medical building. When he saw me coming, “He said could you use some half used AA batteries? Or do you know someone who would? If you do not I am just going to put them in the garbage. I am a photographer from New York. These batteries might have a bit more life in them.”

When he stopped for breath, I said, “I will take them and if I do not find a use for them, I will recycle them. It is so much better than putting them in the garbage.”

“Oh I do not want you to go to any work about them.” he said.

“I probably would use them we use rechargeable ones now. I do not mind recycling. How many do you have and do you have a bag for them?”

“I think there is about 30,” he said, “I do have a bag. If you could wait a minute while I gather them.”

I do not think there were 30 but it was quite a few. Leroy figured he did not want to risk getting a picture so he kept changing the battery. He had a lot of cases that would hold batteries.

When I came out of the brunch, he was still there. He waved and came over. This time he asked, “Would you like some air freshener. I thought the motel room smelled of smoke so I went to a store and got some, but then decided to complain and the hotel people took care of it.”

I told him I probably would not use it as my husband does not tolerate many fragrances, but he said, “I have the receipt with it so you could return it. I am just going to throw it in the trash. And here are three more unused batteries.”

“Or I could find someone to give it to,” I said.

Now I think maybe I will return it and give the money away, how do I ask someone if they want air freshener. They might think I was trying to hint that they needed it.

Guess this guy found the right person to keep all these things out of the trash for a little while.

Leroy was quite pleased with all the half used batteries. He put two in a flashlight and it was bright indeed.

That was a lot of talk about what went on outside of the brunch! The brunch was a good and uplifting experience.


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