Friday, November 20, 2015

No More Garden Chores


Last night when I came home from work Clark asked, “Are you finished getting things from the garden for yourself?”

To my affirmative he then asked, “Do you want to go to the garden to pick the last things there? We could take them to the neighborhood meeting.”

 I have to confess that I groaned a bit inwardly because I was tired, but I said, “Yes, after I change my clothes.”

Just as we started to go we saw Leroy coming home from work. Leroy and I had talked about getting the last things out because we would not have enough time on Friday before the weather got much worse. I have this strong sense that nothing should go to waste. He was all pleased to go. He walked, while Clark and I rode there. At the garden we picked Brussel sprouts, cut the last of the Swiss chard, picked two lonely purple kale leaves, cut off three celery plants, cut parsley, chives, collards, and arugula leaves.

At the meeting people were a bit hesitant to take some greens, but we did pass out a few. We also took some of the dry soy beans that we had picked earlier. The produce that was not taken we left with the Mission of Hope which serves a daily free lunch. It was exciting to give all of that away.

This morning I zipped out to our front garden, pulled up the only brussel sprout plant, and the lone broccoli plant. There were five small cabbage heads on the stalk that we had harvested earlier. I also dug some more onions, cut off the rosemary, celery, and parsley. Tonight Leroy and I cleaned and cut up the rosemary for drying, while the celery and parsley went in the freezer and the cabbage in the refrigerator. Tomorrow I will tend to the brussel sprout and broccoli plant. We will eat the fruit and many of the leaves. The gardens seem to just give and give.

We also had talked about getting rid of our roaster. I asked last night if they would like it at the Mission of Hope. This morning, with that affirmative in mind I put it in the car and dropped it off. The cook was quite pleased to get it. When I said, “I have not used it in years and it did not check to see if it works. If it does not work, I will take it back.”

“If it does not work I would like the pan and the rack inside. But I’ll just plug it in.” he said.

Yes! It works, another thing out of our and it will be used somewhere else.

Now Leroy is thinking we should perhaps get rid of the dehydrator because we have not used it in the last two years. Not sure if I am there yet or not.


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