Sunday, April 28, 2019

Butter or Rhubarb


Butter that was a great price but only one per customer was my gift to my friend because I do not eat butter very often. While at her house she told me I could pick some rhubarb. I gratefully got a small, small for me; amount because we are going to Utah on Wednesday.

Her sister also got some rhubarb. When she was done picking she started to pull weeds in the close raised bed garden. Much of what she was pulling was dandelions. After a while I asked, “Are you going to eat those dandelions?”

She looked a bit surprised and said, “No.”

“I will take them,” I said as I started to tear off the leaves and discard the flowers and roots. I was happy as a clam because I had not seen any in any yards that looked large enough to harvest easily. I am also hoping that these are organic given their location.

My friend saw my taking them and asked, “Are you going to use them in salad?”

“I had planned to cook them,” I said.

Cook them we did after much washing. At this time of year they are so mild in flavor that I could not have told you what green I was eating. Both of us enjoyed them. I am a little disappointed this year. Last year the nearby college had a large pile of dirt that grew a nice supply of lamb’s quarters and this winter they removed that pile so there are no lamb’s quarters on the lot. I suppose in a sense it was trespassing to take them, but no one else used them that I am aware of. I love eating in the wild. I am going after the chives of both the onion type as well as the garlic type, but they are mine because we planted them. I might have to slow down for a while, but I will be gone so they can re-grow during that week.


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