Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Life Changes


The mail had my college class newsletter. I found it surprising to learn four of my classmates had died last year. I did recognize all of the names, but could not picture them in my mind. After looking them up in the yearbook, I “recognized” three of them.

How did I not know that we had moved from announcements of marriages, births, and job advancements to Obits? It seems there is a new stage in life. Before this in both high school and college classes some classmates have died, but never this many in one year. Because of it being younger people it did not have the feeling of a pattern to come. Each year will the list grow?

I do not feel close to death, but it is sobering to realize that I am a year older than my sister was when she died. It feels like a bonus even though my parents were older as was my grandmother when she died. She was 87 and I remember that seemed ancient. These days an eighty-seven year old can be quite young. As with much of life it is all relative.

I did go out and pick up trash on our block even though I had done it not so long ago. From a distance, it all looked good, but I still managed to collect a bag full before I felt too tired to proceed. I was a bit warmly dress and that added to my fatigue.

I will have to go out this evening to get in some more steps. Picking up trash is much squatting, but not many steps. I think there should be a notification to smokers that the butts are not good for the water ways and should be disposed of properly. They are rather tedious to pick up. To urge myself on I try to think of some friends who do this almost every day. They are my trash pick up role models.


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