Friday, June 8, 2018

Exciting Morning


I was in the kitchen fixing breakfast when I heard Leroy coming in the hall. “Argh!” he exclaimed.

“Are you alright?” I wanted to know, thinking he stubbed his toe since he manages to do that every once in a while.

“There is a bat in the house,” he excitedly responded, “a low flying bat.”

“Where did it go?” I asked as I prepared to help look.

“In the kitchen,” he replied as he came in the room, head swiveling.

Neither of us could see it. So Leroy looked in the closet/pantry. He found it behind the ironing board and extra table leaves. “Oh, it’s a small mouse,” he reported.

He then got an old ice cream bucket. With great team work; me moving the ironing board and the leaves while Leroy manned the bucket he managed to capture this animal. Leroy then procured a piece of thin cardboard which he carefully slipped under the bucket making it possible to carry it outside to freedom.

Leroy was not dressed yet so I had the honor of taking it out to the street and instructing it to run away, which it did.

This was certainly an unwelcome guest. In the six years that we have been here we have not seen another. Now two traps are set in the attic with expensive organic peanut butter that has no added sugar or oils in the mix. Hopefully any relatives will be enticed by this treat.

By the way, Leroy is not really scared of either bats or mice, but he was startled.


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