Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Corn Growing and Black Raspberries


When I drove to work on Monday I was astonished to see how much the corn had grown since I had last seen it three day before. It seemed to be almost a foot taller. Perhaps you could have heard it grow if you listened carefully.

Leroy and I went black raspberry picking along the bike trail close to our home. It was wonderful. We just stuffed our mouths full and enjoyed. Sunday evening we came back dressed in jeans, long sleeved shirts, hats, socks and shoes. Bug spray had also been liberally applied. We pushed our way into the thickets and got a nice amount. Some we shared, some we froze, and a big some we happily ate for the next two days. This afternoon I went back with two buckets. I was able to get an inch or two in each bucket. I could tell that someone had recently picked. But I certainly got a lot. On the way home I spotted a young woman coming toward me. I wondered what she thought of me in my berry picking garb. Soon I learned as she asked before we were even together, “Did you pick raspberries?”

“Yes,” I told her.

“I am going there too,” she smiled.

“Oh no I picked most of them and the bugs were eating many of the others.” I said with a bit of distress. “I picked the edge ones for sure.”

She was not dressed in berry picking clothes, but she had a backpack. “I have paper bags in here and I will catch a supply of those bugs for my chickens.”

“Do they like those beetles?” I wondered.

“Yes they love them. Last year they ate so many that their poop turned glisteney in the sun.” she said with a laugh.

I apologized for taking so many of the berries. But she assured me that it was first come first served. And she had picked a lot last night.


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