Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Time change


I always wonder why we have to change the time to save daylight and give it back again. Whose idea was this anyway? And why did this mysterious person want to make the change at a different time?

It seems I always have trouble making this change in my sleep patterns. Even though I am a morning person, getting up an hour earlier is not a great shift to make. For some reason my internal clock or whatever wakes me up seems to think that 4:00 is a great time to greet the day. Leroy and I have not set an alarm for years. Maybe I am afraid we might oversleep and I cannot judge just what hour I must get up so I over compensate.

Meals are not such a problem. Eating early just happens with ease. In fact I even get hungry before a reasonable time. Maybe I just want to eat all the time. Someone once described my eating habits as grazing. That could explain a great deal.

Our phone has had a lovely blue light all day. Son Brian told Leroy last night that when he unplugs an electronic device to reset it he allows a 30 minute rest. Perhaps that has been our problem all along. We now know how grateful we are to have it back, but next time we will be patient and allow a longer rest.

The amaryllis is blooming beautifully with three wide open flowers and one more to come. Two primroses are sending up new buds. We will have white and purple flowers once again. Flowers, in winter! The Christmas cactus still has a couple flowers and the impatiens are just happy smiling all the time.

Someone donated to the library, a book, Twilight Children by Torey Hayden. I find I do not want to put it down and do other things. It is not new, but new to me. This true story is sad, but I am hoping for the happy ending that seems to be indicated in the jacket blurb.


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