Saturday, January 15, 2011


January 15, 2011


Yesterday there was an article in the paper about eagle watching at Keokuk which is about 40 miles south of us. “Leroy, I would like to see the eagles but I do not want to drive 40 miles one way since I think there are surely eagles here too,” I said.

At the library they had a nice display of books on eagles. Leroy asked, “Does Burlington have an eagle watching day?”

“No, but people who came to work on the bluff road related seeing quite a few this morning,” responded the librarian.

We headed off north of town without seeing a single large bird in the sky or trees. Then we veered off towards the river on a side road. Success, as after about five miles we finally spotted two in a tree. We got out, looked through the binoculars, admired them, and drove back only to spot three more in another tree.

In town we mentioned this to someone and they said, “You need to go to lock and dam no. 18.” With directions in hand we headed off again.

As we approached the area there were indeed large birds in the air swooping, diving, turning, and floating. I counted at least 13 hopefully without counting the same one too much. Then I aimed my eyes at the trees across the Mississippi to count 35 roosting and taking it easy. I think I even saw a nest.

There was a path that we could go down. Because it was cold, 16 F. we thought we would just go home, but then I saw two sitting in a tree. So we again parked the car, bundled a bit more, and walked under the tree they were sitting in. One of them got nervous and flew off. Farther on we could see four more in another tree. It was so great to be able to get closer. Closer is a relative word at they were easily 30 plus feet in the air. Again two flew away as we approached. I tried to tell them that they were safe from us, but they were cautious and stayed away. It was wonderful to get a clear look at them through the binoculars.

We have two pair of binoculars: a very small set and a larger set. We know the source of the small set, it was a gift and much appreciated, but we neither one know how we happened to acquire the larger set. It seems they just appeared one day. They are made specifically for people who wear glasses. They help me so much. For some reason with the smaller set I can only see if I close one eye.

What a gift to be able to see so many of these magnificent birds.


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