Monday, January 24, 2011



As you no doubt have gathered Leroy and I walk almost every day. My yoga and weight lifting have not been so regular. I probably do the yoga more than the weights. I have decided I must get back to both on some type of regular schedule. I am noting that my posture is not as good nor is the flexibility up to my former level. Then when I tried the weights the other day they seemed so heavy even though that was the weight I had last used. Where is that woman who could once life even heavier weights? She seems to have left the scene.

Leroy and I polished the ice on the driveway again this morning while getting off the light snow that had fallen during the night. I am ready for enough sun to get rid of that pesky ice, but it is hard because the drive is on the north side of the house. Then there are tree trunks that shade much of the rest of it. We both slipped on the ice this morning. The sidewalk is quite clear, but both the mail carrier and the paper carrier walk on the drive so they are in danger of slipping too. They are probably cautious as we certainly do not have the only ice they encounter.

It is interesting to see ten inch spots on the park grounds that have been cleared of snow. We think that it is the squirrels looking for those nuts they buried last fall. What other explanation could there be? We did not see deer this morning, but we certainly saw plenty of tracks including five sets that traversed our sidewalk.

Hopefully it will not snow tonight so we can just get out and walk to our hearts content.


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