Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tooth and Birds


I now have the crown off my tooth for two weeks. The dentist or the hygienist commented on the lack of room in my mouth. I have been told before by a dentist that I have a small mouth. When I mentioned that fact to a friend he wanted to know, “Who is that quack?”

I can say that they had to ask me several times to open wider when I thought I was at the full expansion. I did manage to get it open another minuscule amount. This crown is on the last molar so it is as far back as a dentist will want to get. I can say that even though removing the crown did not take long my jaw hinge is sore and protesting. Since the deadener has worn off I am aware of it. I had been hoping I would not notice.

I am not sure how I reacted when he put in the shot, but he wanted to know if it had been a long time since I have had my mouth deadened. I think it has been seven or maybe even eight years.

When back at home I looked out the window and saw a robin with lots of friends eating the fruit of a tree that is maybe an ornamental crab. I counted about 30 of them. They moved around so much that it was hard to pin down a number for sure. They seemed quite excited to have had the snow melt under this particular tree. I do know that robins stay around all winter, but I had never seen so many in one place in the off season. These birds were also acting differently as they fluttered around more in the tree and out without so much hopping along the ground. Of course they did not have to pause as no worms were moving.


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