Friday, January 28, 2011



In the grocery store there were primroses for only 99 cents each. I picked up the biggest and the best one. Surely I could treat myself even though I sometimes feel guilt not earning money while Leroy slaves away. Guilt aside the bright yellow primrose went in the cart, but seemed lonely so I selected a purple with yellow center companion. They looked wonderful together.

When we lived in Slovakia we bought primroses and put them between the windows on the east side of the building. They lived happily there beyond all expectation. They were beautiful and brightened my life just to look at them.

Because I know these plants like cold I have put them in the window in the living room and moved my draft dodger aside. They appear to belong. They will surely give us many hours of pleasure.

Leroy suggested that we go to the greenhouse and pick up the free plant that is coming our way from the greeter pack. It is finally warm enough that we do not have to worry about them freezing as we transport them to the car.

Speaking of warm, our driveway is almost denuded of ice. Only in the deep shade of the garage is there a big patch, maybe today and tomorrow will eliminate that. It will be wonderful to walk in the morning without clinging to Leroy. I do not think he minds, but it seems the minute I let go to walk on my own he surges ahead. So I must be holding him back. That is ok until we come to another very icy patch. Much of the park sidewalk is clear, but there too those shaded spots lurk waiting for the un-alert walker.


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