Tuesday, January 11, 2011



How does it happen that a book I rarely use is lost and now seems quite valuable? When I played for Christmas Eve Services I used my own accompaniment books so I could write in them without bothering to erase or worry about defacing someone else’s book. The green hymn accompaniment book is not to be found in this house. I have looked in every possible place I can think of to logically look. While it is not a huge book it is big enough that it is not easy to get out of sight without effort.

I called Leroy and had him look at church thinking maybe I had left it there. He remembered me talking about bringing my books home. I thought too I had done that as the rest of them seem to be here. I suppose it is not the end of the world if I no longer have this book since it is older, but it annoys me that I can not find it.

This makes the third rather more significant item we have lost since we have lived back in the US. I can not find the slides that I took on my trip to Russia in 1999. The odd thing is that I still have in my possession the rejected slides. Rejected means that I did not use them when I gave talks on my trip.

The second thing is the stained glass star that was made and given to Leroy by a parishioner when we lived in Ely. Moving means looking in almost every box so I think it is gone, but we can not figure out how that happened since we are both sure we saw it when we lived in Des Moines. I also think I saw it in Chariton, but maybe that is a wishful memory as Leroy can not say that he did see it.

On the weather front it has snowed at least four inches here. Leroy and I went out this morning before breakfast and shoveled quite a bit. Leroy shoveled by himself just before lunch and I went out after lunch to help. We finally got the job done. We are satisfied, but tired. That is indeed a long drive.


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