Saturday, December 26, 2009

At Home


Because of my fever last night and the new snow this morning we did not even talk about getting in the car. I have felt great all day and there was not much additional snow so we will head out early tomorrow morning, or as early as we can get around.

Leroy spent a good bit of time on the driveway and the sidewalk today. It even has some very clear spaces.

This afternoon we walked to the library only to learn that it was closed. We put our return books in the slot along with our donated empty oatmeal container. I love recycling things and especially when I believe that they can be used again in another way. On the way we remembered that we had wanted to stop at the hardware to get some ice melt since it was on sale and ours was all in use. Wouldn’t you know it the cheapest bags weighed 50 pounds? We maybe had .7 mile to walk home. We discussed the possibility of getting the 20 pound bag, but Leroy said, “I can do this I will just have to put it on my shoulder and go slow.”

When we checked out the owner said, “Are you walking home?” (We are known in this town as the walking people.)

“Yes,” Leroy said, “I will just take it on my shoulder and go slow, resting if I have to.”

“We came to the library and forgot when we left home that we needed this,” I added.

“I can drop this off after I close tonight,” the owner said.

Leroy considered and then reluctantly agreed. As the clerk was ringing up the sale, the owner added, “Add a delivery charge of $25.95.” Then he laughed. We had a conversation about how we could have brought a sled. Hind sight is great for the next time.

More treats came this afternoon from another neighbor. Here we thought we had eaten them all. But Leroy manfully dived right in. I did eat one cookie since it was oatmeal raisin. Those are my favorite and blessedly these did not seem as sweet as many that I have eaten.

Our doorbell just rang and the Ukrainian pastor brought a beautifully carved shelf as well as a 13.7 ounce box of chocolate. Pressed down and running over.


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