Sunday, January 3, 2010

Church Day


Even though this morning the thermometer registered a heat wave of zero I rode to church with Leroy as planned the night before. It was looking good when I was ready to come home so I walked and it was fine with no wind. We did not lock the house so I could get in even if something happened and my key did not work.

From people in church I learned that our thermometer is not accurate or I did not look at the right time because others in town had -15 and those in the country had -16. Or maybe it is because the thermometer is in the car port and it really is warmer there.

Leroy took the hair clippers apart and cleaned it out. This morning when I tried to trim his beard, it cut only about one in fifteen hairs. Is it together wrong or did it just need the oil he put on it later? Then he got impatient waiting for me and trimmed the top of his head that is just cut as close to the skull as we can get it. Then for some reason he adjusted the blade without realizing that he needed the guide on there to adjust so he cut more of his precious hair then he intended. I personally suspect no one noticed, but he was upset about it. He certainly looked shorn.

I made pumpkin soup. How am I going to use up the meat for two big pumpkins when the recipes take such a small amount? I also got out more to make some more bread, but that too only takes about two cups. This could be a long pumpkin winter.

I am so grateful for a furnace and electricity that work. What a blessing to be able to come in to the warm. We bought a space heater so we can heat the bedroom that has the computer in it. It is one of the coldest rooms in the house and I dislike the idea of turning up the heat just to warm this space. It works nicely with a thermostat so it does not get too hot.


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