Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Last Pumpkin


“The last pumpkin has a spot on it,” Leroy said, “You should take care of it soon.”

After investigation I brought it upstairs yesterday and with help from Leroy, washed, cut it, scooped out seed, cleaned seeds, and cooked the pulp. Because the freezer was so full it seemed best to can it, but we had only five jar rings and the canner holds seven jars. I drove to the store, gasped at the price of jar rings with lids, paid the price, came home and started putting the pumpkin in jars to find that there was only enough for six jars.

“Grumble, grumble,” I thought, “why did I buy those rings, I could have gotten the amount of one jar of pumpkin in the freezer.”

I only beat up on myself for a little while as I tried to be grateful that I now had enough rings for the large amount that I will surely can in the future. Even in the pressure cooker the pumpkin had to cook for 80 minutes. Between the rings and the energy this is quite expensive pumpkin even if the original fruit was free. We had better like it. But then wait, it is organic and locally grown that must make it more valuable.

The last batch of pumpkin bread was particularly good so that is something to look forward to having again. We are certainly getting a dose of vitamin A with all of this yellow veggie. Another positive I no longer have to worry about a pumpkin rotting in my house. Leroy even was able to bury the skin and other waste by the house so it is making the soil richer by rotting there.


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