Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pay Now Travel Later


One more trip is in my future. I will go to Utah and help Andy deal with two girls while Miriam is gone. First she will go to California and then on a church council overnight. It will be a different experience to spend so much time in Utah without Miriam being there. Can Andy and I get along with each other? We will find out.

I booked the ticket last night. Even though I have done this before it makes me nervous. I guess it seems so final because I never buy trip insurance. I, of course, have to go since I have paid so much money for this. I wanted to sign up to get the frequently flyer miles, but it said I had not the right password. When I tried to sort through that it said that some of my other information was not correct. It has been a while since I have flown United, do you suppose I have dropped out of their radar?

I also like the idea of buying a ticket almost as I am getting on the transportation. Then it would seem the money is never wasted. Also it is something how plane ticket prices change from day to day or even hour to hour. When Miriam and I first looked they were higher and the following day the price had dropped by $68. Why do you think that happened? Maybe they knew we were looking and the lower price would lure us in. It is such a crapshoot. I’ll bet I would not like craps either. Maybe I have no gamboling soul. Depending on the situation that is good or bad.

Leroy used the car early this morning and it started with no problem. It was warmer, but not by a lot. Another crapshoot?

I am teaching adult Sunday school this week. Last Sunday they teased me about doing yoga with them. I am going to do just that for three moves. Then we will move on to the ELCA official position on health. From there we will look at the Seventh Day Adventist view and the Mormon view. Lastly I will challenge them to join me in walking during Lent.


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