Sunday, November 27, 2016

Christmas Cactus

Christmas cactus
November 27, 2016


I am so enjoying the Christmas cactus this year. The white one that I got from my sister has big beautiful blossoms of about three inches long. Last winter I got one from a friend. She said that it often or always had blossoms, but they did not open very well. This year almost every branch end as a blossom. It is pink and lovely. I wonder if it is because I did not feed it so it rested before it came back to flower. Both of these plants sit in our bedroom window. They must like it there as they are both thriving. Thanks Marge for all the joy this brings me daily as I wake and before going to sleep.

I hope you all get some of the feel for them as I believe they are better in person.

I have not yet planted the amaryllis bulbs, but will do that soon as the cactus will be done soon and I would like to revel in some new flowers.

Leroy brought down the Advent wreath, but I was not in the right time frame because there are no appropriate candles in the house. I need some tapers. Wednesday I will go do a little shopping and get that done. Both of us have talked about buying our advent wreaths in the market in Bratislava. At first I was not sure that I liked them, because they were so different from what I had been accustomed to. Now I/we both miss them. For some reason we can’t even find a picture of one even though we took more than one.


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