Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Perfect Gift


Our family is gathering December 10th for Brian’s graduation. That will be our holiday time half way between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We draw names and exchange gifts that amount to about $25. Last week I saw the perfect gift from my name only to learn that it cost $50. Two days later I saw the perfect gift only to find out that it cost d$150. So much for the perfect gift! Twice I have wandered stores looking for something that might leap into my mind or cart and be the perfect gift, but nothing happened. Today I took Leroy with me and he was no help, instead he wanted help getting something for his name. Just how close is the 10th of December?

Leroy and I had a perfect gift by going to the garden and pulling up the zucchini vines. There was one perfect little zucchini on one vine. We also pulled up the remaining five tomatoes plants. Nestled in the leaves there were about three tomatoes that were starting to turn color. Now the bean plants did not yield any surprises. That was true of the lone eggplant as well. The hardy greens are still in the garden and producing delightfully tasty healthy eating. There is another perfect gift. I was amazed to see that the lone hot pepper that is still in the garden had no frozen fruit on it. We left it to produce more fire. I have only used one from this prolific plant and Leroy complained a little when he bit into a miniscule amount of it. Every time I look at it I want to take some more home. I might do that before that big freeze that will take almost everything with it.

On the walk home we greeted a neighbor who had a long conversation with us. She has more and larger house plants than I do. She shared a start of a white Christmas cactus and a pink one too. Mine are starting to bloom. This is a great gift that I might pass on since I do not really need more.


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