Sunday, November 20, 2016

My Hat


I lost my hat sometime after we had visited Brian in MN last winter. This is my winter hat that is a must for any winter walking. I mourned that loss because it fit my apparently rather large head. Do not believe the tags which state one size fits all. I can put these hats on my head, but I know that in a matter of less time than I can walk six blocks my head would hurt because they fit so tightly. Hopefully I have not caught anything from trying on these hats that might have been tried by any number of good people with passengers or other unwelcome germs lurking in their hair.

In the interim Leroy has given me one of his plain black hats which he declares is too large for him as it is a constant annoyance of slipping up on his head leaving his ears bare and fending for themselves. The hat works for me, but it is almost tight so I still like my old one better.

Yesterday before we went to the garden to pull up the soybeans I searched for a hat in my winter hat box only to find my missing hat. I danced and sang. What could be better than finding my hat? Worse is knowing that I looked everywhere and did not find it before. How did it come to be on the top of the heap without me seeing it? Is it Alzheimer’s or just plain old dementia moving in?

Leroy was not helpful without any logical explanations to offer. My glee is cut a little by these thoughts, but I am still glad to wear this hat. Winter can come. I wore it last night when we walked to church only to be dismayed by the sight of my hair in the mirror when I arrived. My new haircut looked great on Thursday when we still had a bit of humidity in the air. Winter and straighter hair has indeed come. With my thinning, straighter hair more of my scalp is on view.


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