Sunday, November 13, 2016



My college roommate and her brother are going to stop for a short visit on their way back to Denver. Leroy and I have done a little cleaning. Nothing like company coming to bring out the critical eye searching for dust and clutter. Preparing for a phantom guest might be good for the condition of the living quarters. Can I convince myself of such a thing?

Last night Leroy and I went to the symphony. It was a fine concert, well worth waiting for. Leroy is always in a rush to leave so we arrive in plenty of time. Perhaps he forgets that we live just a mere ten minutes away even with allowing for searching for a parking spot. Two of the composers were of Czech origin and the third wrote the Prague symphony as a good will gesture because he, Mozart liked being there.

Today Leroy was doing some small chores outside so I requested that he dig up the amaryllis bulbs even though it has not totally frosted. I like those bulbs to spend some time in the cold before planting them. This year they seem to be good firm bulbs. They do not grow so very well for me here as they have in other locations. At least I am hopeful that more than one will produce flowers. More waiting.

In the present moment I am enjoying the first two flowers that have opened on the Christmas cactus. Joy and beauty still come forth. They love the sun coming in the window as do I. Such gifts we all get even without asking for them on a daily basis.


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