Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Chores Done


When I made the appointment for a mammogram at 7:00 it seemed quite fine as I did not want the late afternoon time. Last night however, 7:00 looked very early especially since I was to be there 15 minutes ahead of time to fill out forms, etc. I set the alarm because I did not want the rare late sleep at the Bradway house to happen. Leroy was awake about fifteen minutes before the alarm time so we got out of bed. I even ate some breakfast before leaving the house.

The building appeared dark as I approached with no cars in the parking lot at the place I pulled in. The automatic door opened in front of me and lights came on the hall to light my way. “So far so good”, I thought. No one was at the reception desk and there were no loiters in the hall even as I climbed the stairs. Good thing I knew where I was going as I could not ask. In the department there was a person at the desk. She greeted me and had me fill out the necessary paperwork, telling me someone would come get me soon. I was just looking at the magazines and thinking I did not want to read any of them when my technician got me. It was all done at 7:05 because I got in early. Can’t complain about that interfering with my day.

My driver’s license expires in December. So today with no other appointments is a good time to renew. There is an option to get a special type of id that will be required in a couple years so I gathered all the documentation, five in all, to prove my existence. How hard will this be for people down the road? I used my passport, driver’s license, voter’s registration, insurance papers, and financial papers. Seems to me that poor people are going to have a tough time coming up with all of this paperwork. Some people think it is fine that we do not check people for getting a gun. All I want to do with this is drive a car; apparently getting a gun would be easier. I do not really know about the gun business since I have never tried to get one. I am just reacting to things I have read that there is little or no checking when purchasing a gun. Is this balanced in the right direction?


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