Monday, November 21, 2016

Second Thoughts


I am having second thoughts about that hat I found. I have a vague memory of finding it last summer in a suitcase and transferring it to the very spot where I would find it when I needed it. Because it was in such a secure spot I promptly put it out of my mind. How does that sound for saving my sense of brain power?

Leroy has been covering the collards that are in the front garden by the house, but I had decided not to do that. He had done it so I know they are still alive, but so is the broccoli, brussel sprouts, and kale as well as some small cabbages that are growing on the plant base where I picked a big one. It is as if Leroy and I are shifting positions because in the past I was the one who thought we should cover things. Guess I convinced him and he convinced me.

This morning Leroy had a difficult decision about whether to ride the bike or not. His cut off temperature is 19 degrees. That is exactly what the weather source said it was even though our thermometer registered five degrees higher than that. He drove the car but I would have liked to have him bike since he has had so few days he can bike, however he was most concerned about how cold his hands become. I did not say anything really, until he made his decision at which point he declared with a laugh, “You can call me wimp.”

Tomorrow he will work at the church so he will probably walk rather than ride. Amazingly he is taking Wednesday off. He will work on Friday and Saturday so he still will spend four days at work. I also will work on Saturday. I do not even consider riding the bike the twelve plus miles in this cool weather. Am I the wimp? Fifty degrees is my stopping point as my inner ears complain loudly.


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