Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Scary Person


Last night I drove up the darkish alley after work, swung over to the left, as I always do if there is room so I can make a smooth arch into the garage without backing. When I got to the left I realized a car was coming up the alley behind me. Because they might not realize I wanted to go to the right and cross their path, I stayed in place and let this person pass only to find out it was my neighbor. Embarrassment flooded my soul, because I was really on their property. He waved a little as he went past me and parked. Then I swooped into the garage, climbed out, and decided to go over and talk with him a little.

He had not yet left his car, but was looking at some piece of paper. He read a while as I considered what to do. But in a short amount of time he put the paper down, opened the door, stuck out his leg, and dragged out the rest of his body. I said, “Hello.”

He leaped in shock and said, “You scared me half to death.”

I apologized and we had a nice conversation. I was pleased to learn that he had used some of the greens from the community garden. In mentioning collards which he grew up liking he commented that they are better after the first frost. So I guess we have some time to go yet for the peak flavor.

When in the house I looked at the mail, there was a letter from the state of Iowa to me. What could this be? On opening it I found myself looking at a scary person, me. It was my new driver’s license which I had really forgotten about. Leroy wanted to see it so I handed it over. I showed him my previous license and asked, “Which is the better picture?”

He never really answered the question, but just muttered some. There is certainly a serious imposing face on each. Hopefully it will not scare too many in a dark alley.


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