Saturday, December 17, 2016

Such a Saturday


I made granola, or got it half done before I left for work. Leroy did not have to do any hard labor for it, just stir and take it out when done. It was quite pleasant on the roads, because many people stay off of them on Saturday. I do not have the feeling that I must guard my place to maintain my position. When I pulled into a parking place I thought my coworker pulled in front of me. Yes it was her, “am I not working today?” I wondered. After she came in we looked at the schedule. She was supposed to work not me. I had missed a work day in the week and often then I work the Saturday, but not this time. Oh well it was only a 12 mile drive and quite nice to be out in the country. I also got some more books for Leroy. When I called him and told him I was coming home, he just laughed. The biggest bonus was that I had a nice visit with my coworker who no longer works at the same time I do.

We went shopping a bit this morning along with thousands of other very polite people. I managed to get one more present for Leroy and he got some supplies. I also washed a load of clothes so all time was not lost.

The Christmas decorations are up and in place although they might move before the season is over.

Both Leroy and I have ignored our Christmas letter. We still have three hours before the open house so we could get some written, but I am not holding my breath.

I also walked to the grocery store this morning. Leaning against the building was a guy charging his cell phone in the power outlet. I commented that it was a little cold (16 F.). When I came back out, with all that I could carry on my back, he was still there. It shows me once again that I do not know how some people live and survive. I have a ready power source at home. I am talking about electricity not Leroy! I am grateful for both.


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