Saturday, May 9, 2020

Where is that Page?


I am still trying to create a self help video for the library, where I work. I have had more trouble doing this than I care to think about. At first I could not figure out how to do a screen shot while doing the video, with help from a child of mine, I learned about that. Then I recorded it, but could not open the recording which could only be viewed on my machine. Apparently it could be viewed nowhere with my limited knowledge because I could not get it to play. Again a daughter came to the rescue. This morning I did my video, but forgot to record until I was done so I just recorded nonsense to see if it would work. It was saved to my desktop and I forwarded the link to Leroy who could open it. Success! Well no because when I went back to repeat the proper video I could not get it to connect to the screen shot that I wanted. At that point I basically cashed it in and will try another time or else I will just have to admit failure to my boss and who knows what then.

I did get out the instructions for our ten year old home phone and figured out how to eliminate any wrong numbers and how to add any new people. I can do things if I have good directions.

We covered plants last night against a prediction of low temperatures. Leroy noticed some frost on our neighbor’s lawn. I missed that, but saw it in the park. With all of the blooming trees and plants we are sure this frost is untimely, but this has happened before. We like to move spring along as fast as we can even though we have no control over it.

We are planting outside three more celery plants because the water has become unsavory for growing. If it gets so cold again we will just have to cover them too.

On another random thought, the tea cozy is too large for this pot. We have two other cozies which we will try later. They look too large also.


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