Sunday, May 3, 2020

Cleaning Up


Can it really be May? We once again went to church online. Not as good as in person, but I like seeing all the greetings of worshipers before the service. It certainly gives a connected feeling. Who knew this new fangled stuff (technology) would be the way we worship God with a community?

Once again the church book club met via the Internet. It is so nice to see others faces and hear their voices and opinions of the book we read. Still not a fan of ebooks, but it does allow us to read the same book at the same time because the libraries are closed to the public.

In the afternoon Leroy and I headed out to participate in a trash/litter pickup in the neighborhood that the church is in. It is within easy walking distance so I picked out two close blocks for us to do. I did not think it would take us very long as the last time I cleaned up our block it was a much simpler job. Somehow I thought that neatness would extend into the next neighborhood, but not so. It took us more than two hours to get this done. We were plenty tired by the time we got home.

On the plus side, beside the satisfaction of doing a job that needed to be done to help the community, we got to visit with some others from a distance. One couple was cleaning up across the street and we came a bit closer to have some garden talk. A man driving by in his vehicle stopped to tell us how much he appreciated our efforts. He was head of the local neighborhood association and he said if our church did it again he would like to invite neighbors to join in the effort.

I personally think that sounds good, because the two colleges in our neighborhood provide much student energy to get the job done. There is almost a pep rally to start the cleaning effort. It seems to propel the group forward. Today not very many of us worked on this effort, but there were at least 12 bags of trash collected so it was well worth it.


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