Thursday, May 7, 2020

Out And About


Leroy and I took a very short walk this morning because he is attending a video bible study at 6:45 am. That makes us hustle a bit in the beginning of the day. Immediately after that study is done I do my morning stretch. This morning one person greeted me so I know that at least one person is there. It helps me to keep focused a bit. When that was over Leroy has his video staff meeting. While that is happening I like to go out so I do not forget and make noise possibly disturbing his meeting. It is so different to have these meetings take place in people’s homes. I wonder, “What does my home look like to others, without them actually being on the premises?” Of course that is happening to many people now.

On my walk I saw that the food plant across the street is once again operating, with cars in the lot. For the last three days they were closed. Or at least that is what I think because there were no cars in the parking lot. The wild flowers in the park are just thriving. Flowering trees seem to be reaching their peak. Some of them are so beautiful. We are to have quite cold temperatures tonight. I am hoping that those petals can make it through.

We planted one of our celery starts and had hoped to put out the rest as the water around them is starting to look stressed. Possibly in a day or two it will be ok temperature wise for them to survive.

Great news for us, the tea pot came today. When I washed it I ran water out the spout and it seemed quite drip free. Tomorrow we will really test it out.


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