Thursday, May 14, 2020

Social Distancing


During this time of social distancing I am developing the fine art of doing nothing and appearing (to myself) to be doing something. At the end of the day it does not add up to much.

I did take out all of the houseplants that I want to leave outside for the summer. It might be a bit cool and night requiring a layover in the back porch, but I can handle that. Just to help myself get more steps only one plant went out in each trip up and down stairs and around the house. Later, I learned that the battery needed charging so none of the steps counted, but they were good for me. In all there are now 18 plants outside.

Leroy had been complaining that there seemed to be a number of little ants in the house. I personally did not see many. However, when all the plants were out of his room, which is really the spare room, I found a colony of ants on the table. Scoping up the table cloth, folding it over, it went outside where it was opened and shaken a little followed by hanging on the line. These creatures were not practicing social distancing. Also on that table we have a small bell type thing we brought home from Slovakia. When I looked inside of it, I was appalled to see many more ants. I extended my arms a little and took that right outside. When I tapped it on the deck hundreds of tiny ants popped out. This all made me feel a bit twitchy. Were ants crawling on me? Were there more in the house?

I rarely spend much time in this spare bedroom. Leroy has his clothes in the closet and in the dressers. This is also the space he is using for his work from home. We talk about it as his room. So that is my excuse for not checking on those ants. It seems to me he could have done a little detective work himself, but…

I did transplant a small outdoor plant to a new home and was astonished that the ground did not have moisture very far done. The rain seemed to come for a long time, course the tree above may be stopping the rain from getting to the ground.


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