Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Walk around the Lake


This afternoon we talked about where to walk because we did not have enough steps. Leroy commented that he would like to see the geese down by the lake since we have not seen the babies this year. It is a bit far to walk so we drove there. I wondered about the number of people, but thought that there might not be too many because it is quite gloomy. Maybe others had the same idea because after the first quarter mile there were plenty of people. More than I like for social distancing. It was also harder to walk off the path since there was much goose poop to contend with both on the trail and off.

We did see many baby geese of some various ages. That was quite nice. At a guess there might have been as many as 50 young. It seemed that all babies were tended by multiple adults. Are some geese designated as baby sitters while the others fly off to feed?

We encountered people walking, dog walking, people running, bicycle riders zipping past and children struggling to get this bike thing accomplished. I am always happy to see people out getting exercise and enjoying nature, but now I have such mixed feelings about it. No more Sunday excursions for me for some time to come.

Leroy took many pictures and I will share two with you.

This morning we walked in no rain at the beginning which slowly turned into a light rain and then became a more serious affair. We were quite wet when took refuge in the back porch. Such a blessing to have this dry place to collect ourselves and unlock the door.


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