Friday, May 22, 2020

Weekend Locally


Leroy and I will just spend time around here for the weekend. We can find grass and weeds to take out of the cracks in the sidewalk. We did a little of that this morning. We can also thin out some of the lettuce in our front bed garden. The netting on that garden needs to be adjusted as it is too low over the winter onions which are starting to produce babies at the top of their stalks now. If the bulbs form in the wrong place it will be quite difficult to deal with them entangled in the netting.

Leroy walked a few blocks to the chiropractor to get an adjustment this morning. When that was finished he did some more walking so he is now well ahead of me, not that we are competing?

Clothes were hung out, but they are having a bit of a time to get dry as there is quite a lot of humidity in the air. My hair is curling.

I am rereading “The Radium Girls” for a book club. It is not a comforting read about the goodness of human nature; instead greed, gain, and some ignorance about radium win over the health and well being of workers. Luckily there are some who moved to help the distressed, but not before it did much damage and killed some workers.

Is that human nature to race into the new because it looks good initially without considering the consequences?


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