Sunday, April 19, 2020

What to Wear?


This morning before church started, Leroy said, “I dressed for church,” He was referring to his jeans and un-ironed, badly in need of ironing, denim shirt. Just to let you know he would never have gone to church dressed in that manner unless it was a cleanup work day. But for virtual church…

I too thought I was dressing a little more carefully, however I also would not have been wearing these items to church as I do not think the color of the shirt does anything for my appearance.

We have gotten used to being sloppy around the house and even on our walks we do not wear very “up town” clothes.

This afternoon we are going to a drive by shooting, oops I mean drive by birthday party. Somehow I keep coming up with that shooting term in my mind, perhaps because it is an older idea and my brain does best with old ideas?

What does one wear to a drive by birthday party? Surely I do not have to dress up and we won’t get out of the car will we? We did make a happy birthday sign that we can hold up.

This would be my idea of an easy party to have: no food to prepare, no house to clean, no logistics to consider, and no spiders to extricate. There are some advantages to this type of living.


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