Friday, April 17, 2020

Snow, Snow, Snow!


Snow was predicted overnight, but just a bit or up to two inches. Instead we woke to about four inches. It was beautiful with snow on the trees and other objects, but sidewalks and streets were clear. That type of snow would be perfect to drive to work without tension.

We walked in the park among the trees that were occasionally dropping snow. There was no wind so perhaps it was warm that was making it fall. We just enjoyed the view and novelty. If all snow were so easy to deal with snow might have a better reputation.

By the time we walked again this afternoon it was 99% gone. One place in the park someone had tried to make a snow person, but it was now just a pile of snow.

Leroy worked a little once more today. He again has a list of names to call for the museum. However this time it is only 50 names so it is not so daunting, but he still likes to do it in smaller amounts. He will also do a group tomorrow even though he usually takes Saturday off.

Our picture puzzle is getting close to being done. I am finding it much more satisfying. Maybe we will finish it this weekend. Glad I still know what a weekend is even though it does not figure much in my life.


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