Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Salad at My House


Many people on social media have been posting pictures of foods that they have made. You will not get a picture from me as my food is seldom photo genetic. Guess it is like Leroy and just does not like to smile for a picture.

After I replenished our produce supply we had a great salad with no name. The base layer was a mixture of spring greens (Or so the greens package stated.) This was followed by chopped or diced radishes, green pepper, colored pepper, cucumber, carrots, grape tomatoes, black barley, red lentils, sauerkraut, and a dash of olive oil for me. Leroy adds a little liquid from the sauerkraut and considers that dressing. Actually the salad was nice looking, but we had most of it eaten before I thought about sharing the contents with you. By that time, the bits that were left looked lonely in the bowl.

Leroy and I often put sauerkraut on our salads, as well as barley once in a while. But we did like the addition of the lentils which added color, flavor and protein.

Today, before the rain, I went to the garden to dig dandelions. Another person knows I like to eat them so she left them just for me when she weeded. I should have eaten them but the leaves were flat on the ground and not standing up nicely as I like when I harvest them for eating. I did, in the process of this weeding, find some stray onions that I transplanted. I am happy that the rain came after I went home as I did not water them.

Leroy had planned to get a bike ride this afternoon but I am not sure that will happen as rain could come again.


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