Sunday, April 5, 2020

Walking with a friend


A friend called and asked if I would walk in a state park with him. He told me that he would wear a mask and did I have a mask. My replay was that I was not going so far away even though it is only 13-15 miles. But I would be willing to walk in the park close to my home if we walked six feet apart and wore our masks.

I made a mask yesterday such as it is. I should have followed instructions more closely. Oh well, I will try again, perhaps tomorrow.

There were a number of people out walking or riding bikes. Many of the walkers were wearing masks and two bike riders had them on as well. We are changing. We often walked in the street or on the grass to get far enough from each other as well as other people.

Even though it was cool this morning Leroy and I went out by 6:30 am. The trail was deserted except for one young man who walked ahead of us for a short time before heading off on a sidewalk. Then later we saw an older man on roller blades. He had no mask as we did not at that hour, but we stayed well away from him as he sped on by three times because he turned at some intersections.

My plan is to go out early again tomorrow. I now feel much more comfortable with fewer people in the area.


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