Monday, April 27, 2020

How Life Changes


Now gas prices are so low, but we are driving so little. I read that we should drive at least once a week to keep the components all working, such as the battery charged and the tires sealed. Today when I went to the grocery store, it had been two weeks; I took a longer route since the store is only about two miles away. Yesterday, we went to the nature center that is in town because it takes us about 10 minutes to get there. Also when there we could get out and walk because it is 210 acres. We did see some others, but managed to stay a good distance from most. There is a bike trail there and it was great to see many families out with bikes for all.

This morning, before going to the grocery store, I put on lipstick as I normally do when going out in public. It wasn’t until I was done and took the mask off that I knew wearing lipstick was not necessary. No one could see my lips! There was now lipstick on the inside of the mask.

I find that I miss support and schedules. I do not have many people that I do things with, except organized things such as church or work. It is there where I do a lot of interacting and feel connections.

My schedule, also from work or church, keeps me focused and grounded. As it is now, my days feel more rootless. I still fix meals and take care of dishes and clothes, but it is not the same as needing to be somewhere for a certain activity at a certain time. I am going to have to figure out something. I still envy Leroy having work that he can do from home. Guess I am not ready for retirement.

Things have relaxed in all but 22 counties in Iowa. We live in one of those 22 so life will continue as is for a longer time.


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