Friday, April 10, 2020

Random Good Friday Thoughts


Why do we call it Good Friday? I might have known or been told this at one time, but have no memory of it.

This morning Leroy and I walked to church, planning to arrive at a little after 8:00 just after they opened the doors. We brought our masks with us, but saw no other people on the trip.

Astonished that the price of gas was $1.41 per gallon! Obviously we are not getting out often.

At the church, I opened the door with my bare hands, and held it for Leroy to walk through. He then put hand sanitizer on my hands. We put on our masks. We talked though the door of the office to learn where the book, which we were returning, should be placed. We then moved into the sanctuary which is open. Almost as soon as I was in there I started to cry, but did not really know why. Considering our vagabond life I am not so attached to a church building. Tissues and hand sanitizer were supplied at the door. After sitting and thinking I believe that I was crying for all of the losses in life, not just to me and my routine, but deaths and other more serious changes to lives around the world. Grief.

On the walk home we wore our masks. Between my cataracts and the fogging of my glasses, I decided that I was safer with the mask pulled down. Falling did not seem like a good thing. Mask off the nose certainly brought the walk surface into focus. As it turned out we did not meet a person, but saw a number of cars going by.

Interesting that in all of our previous lives we never thought of the risk of going to church as many people have done over the centuries and throughout the world. Also interesting that their risks involved people who wanted to do harm to them and now it is a virus that attacks randomly or at least it appears to be random.


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