Monday, April 6, 2020



Our downstairs friend gave us two masks! I am so happy! The sewing machine is going into the closet. I figure that with washing and using my one that is ok along with a couple bandanas we will mange just fine. So happy to get those two good looking and well made masks. She is definitely a more accomplished seamstress than I am.

Leroy and I again walked early this morning. This time we started at 6:10 am. We did not see anyone else until almost the end of the walk when a woman walking a dog got off a part of the trail that we wanted to use. If we had been a few minutes later we might not have even seen her. Another woman was across the street walking two dogs so that was well out of our territory. We did not wear our masks because we were hoping to see no one. Later in the morning, I went for a second walk. This time I stayed much closer to home just in case it started to rain. Every time I saw another person, I turned and went a different direction or used an alternative path for a while. Consequently, I never met anyone. But I managed to get my 10,000 steps once again.

Self care now seems to be king in my life. Leroy and I do devotions together after which I do ten minutes of meditation. I also do my devotions in which I reread the passage in two translations and write some things. Usually a bit later in morning I do some yoga or tai chi so I get some balance and stretching work.

Perhaps writing to all of you is a part of self care as well. I am always strongly compelled to write. If many days go by without writing I do not feel so good. I am glad some of you read this. I cannot say if I need an audience or not.


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