Thursday, April 9, 2020

Yoga or Morning Stretch


From my living room, I did a live Facebook session for the Ely Library. I have been putting it off even after my boss asked if I would lead the morning stretch from home. I stewed and fussed a long time, about two weeks about it. I am not a certified yoga instructor, would I be able to keep moving from one pose to the next (In class I always look at my list.) would I look stupid looking at my list, and how would I get the camera to be on the floor as well as up for standing poses.

I lead these at the library, but it is very different thing to have people in the room and to be “performing” for a laptop. Who knows if anyone was doing it with me? I felt all alone. Leroy was there, but not in the room. He helped by adjusting the laptop camera so I could be seen after starting with standing positions. People could see him.

It certainly was not Jane Fonda. It was very casual and not always so smooth with me at the helm. Later when I looked I could see that four different people made some comments. I could not tell from those if they were doing it with me or if they thought it was worth looking at. “Good Morning, Thanks and she’s so flexible” were the comments.

We have deleted it now, but I will be doing it in the weeks to come. I have to put away feelings about how I would like it to look more professional and slick as if I knew what I was doing.

It does me good to have some pressure to put something together because that means I get the benefit of moving and stretching. As I have often told the people who come to my sessions at the library I am grateful they come because it keeps me practicing. Something about being responsible is a good motivator for me.


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