Friday, April 24, 2020



On our early walk in the light rain this morning wearing raincoats, and in Leroy’s case, rain pants we were nicely covered from the elements, except when the wind blew the rain in our faces. Leroy also wore hiking shoes that are water proof. I just slugged along in some leather shoes while carefully avoiding any puddles. We only met two people and one of them turned off before we intersected. Both of our coats were wet enough to require a serious drying out period.

We saw many earthworms on the path. I wanted to pick them up and move them but there were so many and often they were quite small so it was not possible to do that and walk too. We both tried to avoid stepping on them.

Later I saw a night crawler which is a worm of a larger size. I took my glove off and tried to pick it up. It slithered a bit to avoid me. This slippery critter was not very easy to get in hand, but after some struggle I got it and deposited it in the grass. In the end I managed to get every night crawler that I saw off the path and in the grass. Often they would land upside down, but it did not take them long to turn over. Amazing how they can do that with no hands or feet to assist.

I asked Leroy to pick up one. He dutifully took off his glove and went after this wriggling creature. He was not successful so I decided I should get back at it and rescue it before he injured it even though he was impossibly gentle. The gentleness is the reason he could not capture it. He tried once more and managed to get another one off the trail. He seemed a little squeamish. That seems so odd to me because he appears to have no trouble putting a worm on a fish hook. I am so different because I do not like doing that.


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