Saturday, April 11, 2020



As a new routine, every day Leroy and I discuss the date and the day of the week. Otherwise it slips away and we are clueless. After all, we think we should know the day in case we would be asked by someone who is questioning our reasoning ability. So far we have managed to come up with the date and day without looking at the calendar although one of us usually looks afterward to learn if we were correct.

I write the date in the booklet in which I record my devotion thoughts. So I get more practice there. Writing to you is another practice point.

I like to hang out clothes to dry in the sun and wind. My mother always used a damp cloth to wipe off the clothes line. I do that as well, but wondered if it was needed especially in these days of less pollution. Yesterday I hung out clothes after a few days hiatus. I was amazed at how much dust was on the cloth after just wiping it once. I am newly convinced that mama was right to wipe the clothes line.

We have some serious walking routines in place with the first walk happening as early in the morning as we get up and out. I like to get to my goal so that requires another walk. Even when rain is predicted I go out, especially if it does not look like rain. In spite of my idea of it not looking like rain, it has rained on me at least two times. Each of those times it is not a hard rain, but enough that it is dripping off my hood by the time I get home. I have been logging

12,000 or 13,000 steps most days. Leroy says, “You are becoming fanatical about those steps.”

Guess he is right, but I am not ready to stop walking.


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