Saturday, April 25, 2020

Tea Pot Cracked


For days we had noticed that the tea cozy was stained. I personally thought that Leroy was filling the pot too full, however on closer examination I learned that he was doing a good job. Soon the brown, six cup, Frankonia tea pot had brown marks on its bottom every time we used it which was daily, sometimes two times a day. Some people like coffee, but we like tea.

I especially like this tea pot because it is drip less or almost drip less. Also I bought it in Missouri Valley Iowa where Leroy served his first parish between the years of 1975 and 1984. It was in the day when smaller towns had a more thriving business area. I personally seldom shopped in Omaha or Council Bluffs. We only had one car and those larger places were at least 27 miles away. Not so easy for me to do with a husband who needed the car for work. Another reason to like this pot is that a friend gifted me with a crocheted tea cozy that fits it perfectly. Our tea would stay hot for an hour or so.

Last night we looked carefully at the bottom of the outside of the pot and saw two hairline cracks. This morning as the great science experiment we did not use the cozy or put anything else under it except to set it on the white dryer surface. There were indeed tea stained water spots on the dryer in about 15 minutes.

After such a long time of faithful service it is hard to see it go. Perhaps some type of good bye service would be in order.

Leroy looked up tea pots finding some by this company that cost over $100. I found an identical appearing used one, that was $20, which is about what I paid for it. I am a little concerned that considering the age it might also have a crack or be close to developing one.

We have the tea pot that Leroy uses at work now at home. Plus I bought one at a neighbor’s garage sale for $1.00. I am not crazy about the appearance of it, but this neighbor was desperate for a sale so I bought it. It is drippy which also does not endear it to me. We will use it for the time being and be happy for the ability to do that.


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